Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Pesach Piece

Pesach is almost over and we are finished with our Seder Plate for the year, but I figured it's not too late to post this.

I made this for a friend who wanted a Seder Plate she could also use as a regular plate for the rest of Pesach.  The plate illustrates a paragraph from Hallel that describes the rejoicing that took place when Hashem took Bnei Yisrael out of Egypt.  It comes with six small bowls that can be placed on the plate for the Seder.

Some thoughts- in general, Hallel is only said during the day.  The first night of Pesach is the only time we say Hallel at night.  Not only that, but we says it twice- once at Maariv, and once during the Seder itself.  Also, the first day of Pesach we say the full Hallel, while the rest of the week we only say half Hallel.  There are lots of interesting ideas about the strangeness of Hallel on Pesach.  I'll let you figure them out on your own.

Thank you to Chaya Solomon for her creative photography

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