This one seemed appropriate for this time of year. The words in this papercut are adapted from tefillot we say after we blow the shofar,
ארשת שפתינו יערב לפניך, אל רם ונשא מבין ומאזין, מביט ומקשיב לקול תקיעתנו
ותקבל ברחמים וברצון סדר מלכויותינו
"May our mouths' words rise beautiful before you, most high and elevated God,
who understands and heeds, looks on and listens to the sounds of our shofarot.
Accept, with compassion and favour, our Order of the Kingship."
(Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' translation from the Koren Rosh HaShana Mahzor)
The person who commissioned this piece asked me to write "תפילתינו" instead of "תקיעתנו" (prayers instead of shofar sounds) so that one can relate to it the whole year round and not just Rosh HaShana time.
9"x13" framed |