Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Hadlakat Neirot in Turquoise

An old design in a new beautiful color.  Great a wedding gift!

In a frame that casts shadows

Without the frame, so you can see the beautiful turquoise

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Circle of Life Ketubah

I first made this design for a Birkat HaBayit (Blessing for the Home), but it's kind of perfect for a Ketubah.  And, because it's a lot bigger than the original design, I was able to add some more detail to the nests.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

My Ketubah

Ironically, I am not a fan of decorated Ketubot.  When I started selling my art, I made other Judaica, and when people eventually started asking me to do Ketubot, I agreed.  I understand why people like them, but I never thought I would hang my own marriage contract on my wall.  Turns out, my partner really wanted one, and since we edited the text so that it better represented our relationship, I gave in and agreed to make him one- also ironically, since traditionally the groom gives the Ketubah to the bride.  In our egalitarian ceremony we gave it to each other, and practically, I made and gave my groom this piece of art.  I will admit, I am excited to have it hanging on our wall.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Ketubah Inspired Anniversary Gift

This piece was commissioned as an anniversary gift.  It was made to match the couple's Ketubah which is an original piece by Israeli artist, Izzika Gaon, and also incorporated the Pasuk they had on their wedding invitation, "אני לדודי ודודי לי".  Needless to say, my style is very different than his, but the elements he used came together very nicely in papercutting form.

Ketubah by Izzika Gaon

Friday, June 10, 2016

Monday, May 23, 2016

L'David Hashem Ori

This is a simple calligraphy piece of the 27th Tehillim, the one we say around the high holidays.
Just words.  No colors or cut outs.  A simple sort of beauty.