I promised you more of the leafy style, so, here are a couple more.
This paper-cut was commissioned by friends on mine. We decided on a 2 layer (one cut and one with the calligraphy) 10x10 inch square, they told me to have fun with the design, and use the following text from the Midrash Halakha Sifrei Bamidbar:
Roughly translated:
Unlike the mercy of man is the mercy of God
Man's mercy upon males
Is greater than that upon females
But, He who spoke and the world came to be is not so
Rather, His mercy is upon males and upon females
His mercy is upon all
As it is written:
"God is good to all, and his mercy is upon all his creations" - Psalms 145
-Sifrei Bamidbar 133
To be honest, as beautiful as this passage is, I was not really sure how to properly illustrate this. In the end, I decided to go with a somewhat feminine design. And I think it was pretty successful.
This paper-cut was commissioned by friends on mine. We decided on a 2 layer (one cut and one with the calligraphy) 10x10 inch square, they told me to have fun with the design, and use the following text from the Midrash Halakha Sifrei Bamidbar:
לא כרחמי בשר ודם רחמי המקום
בשר ודם רחמיו על הזכרים
יותר מן הנקבות
אבל מי שאמר והיה העולם אינו כן
אלא רחמיו על הזכרים ועל הנקבות
רחמיו על הכל
טוב ה‘ לכל ורחמיו על כל מעשיו- תהלים קמ"ה
ספרי במדבר קל"ג
Unlike the mercy of man is the mercy of God
Man's mercy upon males
Is greater than that upon females
But, He who spoke and the world came to be is not so
Rather, His mercy is upon males and upon females
His mercy is upon all
As it is written:
"God is good to all, and his mercy is upon all his creations" - Psalms 145
-Sifrei Bamidbar 133
To be honest, as beautiful as this passage is, I was not really sure how to properly illustrate this. In the end, I decided to go with a somewhat feminine design. And I think it was pretty successful.
(My photography skills still need some polishing up. I couldn't figure out the flash, so in one picture you can see the design better, and in the other the text is more visible.)
Another one I made when I got a chance order. I was showing off the blue Hadlakat Neirot to a friend one day in Givat Ram, and one of the librarians walked by and loved it so much that she immediately ordered a piece for her daughter's 17th birthday which she was celebrating a few weeks later.
This paper-cut is 8x10 inches, and 2 layers thick. She asked me to write a few verses from a the song "חיוכים" (Smiles) written by Leah Naor about enjoying life. However, as you are probably noticing, this design can really go with any text.
Another one I made when I got a chance order. I was showing off the blue Hadlakat Neirot to a friend one day in Givat Ram, and one of the librarians walked by and loved it so much that she immediately ordered a piece for her daughter's 17th birthday which she was celebrating a few weeks later.
This paper-cut is 8x10 inches, and 2 layers thick. She asked me to write a few verses from a the song "חיוכים" (Smiles) written by Leah Naor about enjoying life. However, as you are probably noticing, this design can really go with any text.